Three kids, eight years and this was our first trip with any one of them to the ER so I think we are doing pretty good!
On Wednesday afternoon we let the kittens come out of the master bedroom where they have been living to adjust to us and our house and the chaos and to have a safe place from the chaos.
Anyway along with letting them out we also purchased them a 5+ foot high kitty condo to play on. They wanted nothing to do with the condo, but Ethan and Natalie thought it was awesome and were climbing all over it. Ethan got himself into a hanging crawl through that is about halfway up the condo and while I was putting Nati in a timeout for pulling his hair because she wanted a turn, Ethan tried to wiggle himself out head first rather than backing out the way he went in and the whole thing Ethan and all came tumbling down. We thought he was just scared and a little bruised but after further assessment decided that yes a trip to the ER was warranted. David took him in, where they spent 3 hours getting checked out, x-rays and a splint put on until the specialist could take a look at it the following day. He did make a new friend in the ER who was getting 6 stitches in his chin after a fall off his bike.
On thursday after another 3 hours at the hospital, more x-rays and lots of waiting Ethan was put in a hand to shoulder green cast! It was pretty scary for him and he did not like having the cast put on at all, but he was a trooper.
It was heartbreaking for me to have to watch my little guy go through this, I get teary just thinking about him laying on the table having to put his arm into a position that was so painful for him so that the cast could be put on. He had me up to 5 things from Target by the time we were out of there!
Last night was the first night since the kitties came home and the broken arm happened that anyone got a fairly decent nights sleep! So I am back to feeling a little more human today.
I have to apologize to my friends and clients who are waiting to hear from me, emails and calls are coming I promise!
Here is E right after getting home from getting his cast on. It took him a little while to figure out how to play trains with only his left hand, but he is a pro now :)