I am sorry to have been mia for longer than usual. These past couple of weeks have been so busy with shoots and all the end of year school stuff that comes right before summer and D and I were able to sneak away after the craziness for a few night of peaceful sleep!!
I will be back in the next couple of days with sneak peeks but I wanted to share with you this amazing organization that I was recently accepted to as a local photographer. So many children suffer from childhood cancers and this project called The Littlest Heros Project is just a small way to give back. We offer sessions free of charge to anyone who is in this horrible situation and dealing with so much and something that a parent and child should never have to go through!!
As a parent and as a human being my heart hurts at the thought of any child suffering.
I am exciting to be a part of something that could bring joy to a family that could use a little. Take a minute to check out this project at
The Littlest HeroIf you or someone you know is suffering from a childhood illness please contact this organization and they will put you in touch with a local participating photographer!