Little Man {the cast comes off tomorrow} San Diego Children's Photographer Rebecca Helpling
He's not so little any more but he's still my baby boy! His cast is finally coming off tomorrow night so I took him out for some photos of how he has been for the past 5 weeks. I can't believe it has only been on for 5 weeks, it seems like a lifetime of "shower baths" and "don't get your cast wet" plus its been so hot and we can't go to the beach for fear of getting sand in there or to the pool or to the water park. We are running out of activities where staying cool is possible :) Here are some of my little E and his very large personality!!
I love the composition on the second and last picture. Actually, I can't decide which is my favorite. Your little guy is so adorable. Enjoy the beach and the distant memory of the
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I love the composition on the second and last picture. Actually, I can't decide which is my favorite. Your little guy is so adorable. Enjoy the beach and the distant memory of the
What a cutie!!! How did it go coming off? Love the colors here (and textures!)
Cast is off, it was quick and painless and even with x-rays it was only a 30 min visit. I'll take that over the previous 4 hour visits anyday :)
Glad it all went well!!
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