I love portraits on canvas and if you have been to my house you have seen them all around, some hung some still waiting to be hung but present none the less. I only wish I had more wall space!! My husband on the other hand likes things simple and not so cluttered. They do say that opposites attract don't they?? Whoever "they" may be, well they are right!
Anyway I have an amazing canvas vendor and I am excited to announce that my new digital package will include not only your images on a disc ready for you to print but it will also include printed proofs so you will have reference for how your prints should look and the best part of all it will also include a 16x20 canvas portrait of your favorite image!!
This is another photo from WPPI with the most awesome canvas vendor around. If you happen to watch Oprah and saw the recent home make over show the huge canvas that was created for the family was created by Roxanne's company. If you are like me and want even bigger than 16x20 canvases please don't hesitate to ask, p2c can create whatever size your heart desires!!
You will notice the ducks in the photo I am sure, they are hard to miss :) Roxanne includes a duck with every order!!