Congratulations on a wonderful milestone in your marriage! I wish you many more tens!!

As many of you know two years ago I was able to participate in the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3 Day. This year I am doing it again!!
I will be walking in DC in October. One of the requirements is that I raise $2200 in order to even participate, I am about a 1/4 of the way there.
So my good friend Shelby offered to host a "Portrait Party" as a fundraiser and it is taking place Thursday July 31st starting at 9am.
For a minimal donation I will be photographing children only in 20 minute time slots. There are only a couple of spots remaining that I am hoping we can get filled! We can book up to 3 children in the same family in a spot.
Please contact me at for more details and to book your session.
If you are interested in hosting your own fundraising party please contact me asap so we can schedule a date that works for us both :)