Thursday, July 24, 2008

Portrait Party
San Diego Children's Photographer
Rebecca Helpling

Thank you so much for the overwhelming response! All of the spots are full! For those that were unable to get a spot a wait list has been started and you will be given first choice for the next party!! If you would still like to be added to the wait list just shoot me an email.

As many of you know two years ago I was able to participate in the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 3 Day. This year I am doing it again!!
I will be walking in DC in October. One of the requirements is that I raise $2200 in order to even participate, I am about a 1/4 of the way there.
So my good friend Shelby offered to host a "Portrait Party" as a fundraiser and it is taking place Thursday July 31st starting at 9am.
For a minimal donation I will be photographing children only in 20 minute time slots. There are only a couple of spots remaining that I am hoping we can get filled! We can book up to 3 children in the same family in a spot.

Please contact me at for more details and to book your session.

If you are interested in hosting your own fundraising party please contact me asap so we can schedule a date that works for us both :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic idea for a fundraiser!

As the event season approaches, we wanted to let you know that we'd love it if you'd share snapshots and/or videos on the official Breast Cancer 3-Day Flickr group, YouTube channel, Facebook fan page or MySpace page.

Best of luck!